AROWS – A Sustainable, Long-Term Infrastructure Solution

February, 2022

The AROWS project and the Strauss Water Treatment Plan/pipeline have been approved with funding for Stage 1 secured and currently in the process of being engineered with tenders to follow. These projects will ensure the delivery of potable water directly to the future Lloyd Creek Rural Village - avoiding the need for further water bored in the rural area.

The AROWS project is an innovative approach that provides complementary outcomes of water availability and environmental sustainability. Typically, water supply projects of the scale of AROWS require damming of river systems leading to degraded environmental values. The AROWS project will only extract water from the Adelaide River during wet season flows and store this water for later use in a natural basin that is only slightly modified.

Current modelling shows that when full, AROWS will hold around 250,000 ML of water and supply 60,200 ML per year. By comparison, Darwin River Dam holds around 290,000 ML and can only supply 32,000 ML per year.

The AROWS project solution delivers a sustainable and robust reticulated network for the Darwin region, with multiple sources to provide increased resilience and capacity over the long term.  Reference: PWC: Adelaide River Off-stream Water Storage Project (
The below diagram highlights how the AROWS project pipeline travels through the Lloyd Creek Site.

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